For the Master Replicas "Black Hole" ShadowTrooper Helmet review Click Here.....


....otherwise Continue below since Altmann's is the only Licensed company to make the less-common Imperial Helmets.

Miscellaneous Altmanns Helmets

Altmann's Star Wars replica helmets varied hugely in quality. On one extreme they produced some really excellent replicas with the Biker Scout, Imperial Guard and Boussh helmets. However their Stormtrooper and Darth Vader were really quite disappointing. Seems odd that their most important helmets (from a sales perspective) were the ones that they had most problems with.

Altmanns Imperial Fleet and
Death Star Gunner Helmets

The Imperial Guard looks rather nice, and is one of Altmann's better helmets and certainly better than the unmodified  Don Post. The image to the left is from their official catalogue and the one on the right is from BothanSpy's personal collection.

Above and below-left show Altmann's rather nice Imperial Fleet trooper, photo's by Neil TK-067 from the UKG. As can be seen from these images it looks like a good 'un from down-under. Very good overall likeness although clearly undersize.


Above, BothanSpy's Death Star Gunner, and below the same helmet from the collection of Bill McC. Bill tells me that the overall build quality is very good, although it's VERY small.

Above, Helmet looks excellent its just a shame its not 1:1


Altmanns Luke Skywalker
X-Wing Plot Helmet

Here's a couple of good pics (above and below) sent to me by The Colonel, showing Altmann's very nice looking X-Wing helmet (left), and how it compares with the Don Post version. Apart from the obvious build quality of the Altmann's, its also quite a lot bigger than the DP who in most cases tended to build to suit a kids head!

Above and below some new shots of the Altman's X-Wing helmet. Like the Scout Trooper this is a nice helmet not least because the painting and weathering is extremely good for a mass-produced item.

...and below a couple of shots of the Rebel Fleet Trooper Helmet. This looks to be quite an accurate looking helmet although as with a number of Altmann's helmets is very much undersized. Shame really as it does look nice.


Altmanns Imperial TIE Pilot Helmet

Below, their TIE which like the Stormtrooper is not so accurate (and rather small)

...and below a shot from the rear of the TIE and also on the right as we segue to the Rebel Fleet Helmet - as seen on the Tantive IV.


Altmann's "Version 2" (2005)
TIE Pilot Helmet

Above was the newer , 2005 version TIE pilot helmet from Steve Altmann, which is a major improvement on the old design and along with the armour looks really great (photo thanks to Niko). Its based on a Cameron Oakley Stormtrooper faceplate along with a CO set of hemispheres used for his X-Wing fighter. Its now a much improved piece based on existing, real helmet sources rather than a bespoke sculpt.

This really is a huge improvement over its predecessor - well done!

Altmanns Imperial AT-AT Driver Helmet

Below some shots of Altmann's replica AT-AT helmet, one of very few licensed AT-AT helmet ever produced by the many vendors.

However when you try to compare this with the original helmets it really does come across as an extremely inaccurate helmet. Based on the same v1 sculpt used for the Altmann's TIE helmet, its at best a "representation" of the AT-AT rather than any kind of true replica. Oh and its white and not grey - so they got that wrong too.

Below a side view, which again better illustrates its limitations. Shame really as Altmann's and Anovos are the only licensed companies to have attempted this helmet - leaving the fan-made producers a clear run at it.


Altmann's Life-Size R2-D2

Not sure if it was an officially licensed product or not but Altmanns also made a really nice looking R2! Thanks to Marty in Canada for these Photos.