Rebel X Wing Pilot
by Richies Armor |
Update 20th March 2011 - Its my one and only X-Wing
Pilot helmet and given its been assembled, Painted and weathered by Steve
the Swede I believe its fair to say its something VERY special.

This is one of my helmets, its a rather superb
vac-formed Richie's Armor ABS X Wing Pilot helmet,
assembled, painted up and weathered
by Steve the Swede to match the helmet worn by Mark Hamill in ESB (MR stand
in photo above not included)
See this great (now for
sale) helmet in 3D Here |

I'd like to take FULL credit for this creation, but unfortunately
cannot as its construction and excellent paint job is another excellent
example of quality prop making from Uberpainter, Steve the Swede. Take a
bow Steve! |

More photos of this helmet |

Note the hand-painted detailing on
this great helmet |

and another shot, this time from the
rear of this one-off helmet. |


It really is a superb piece of art.
Not only has he painted it so it looks like its straight off the set, he
also added full padding, real 70's style ear cups and mic. Wonderful! |


Here's another image, this time showing its size against the standard
(but still nice) Don Post X-Wing Helmet which is on the left of the frame.
See it in 3D Here |

Below, Again more great painting
from Steve the Swede, this time a helmet owned by CKing. |

As a comparison, the image below left is a screen-used original
seen at the SF MoM, along with another shot of Steve's work on the right. |

Below, a couple of images of
Agent1138's Luke ANH, built around the Richie's Armor kit. Again a
really good paint a weathering effect has been achieved. Its just missing
the chin strap. |

Steve L from Richies Armor has just
sent me some shots of their modified X-wing helmet, which matches the original
more closely. They've changed the visor and also the details on the helmet
itself. |

The changes are not dramatic, but
then its very hard to improve on what already was an extremely good kit,
pics of which are below. |

Below are a number of excellent helmets all from
Bothanspy, who has a huge and immensely impressive collection of helmets
which you will see scattered around this site. Many thanks to you for
sharing these great props with us.


First up (above) is a Luke's, a converted (real) APH-6B Flight
helmet, the conversion done by Steve L. from Richie's Armor. This work
involved the addition of a number of custom made fiberglass parts and also
a custom-made amber visor. Apart from the excellent spray work and
weathering, this flight helmet also includes a real helmet liner and ear cup. |


Next up is Biggs. Again a converted APH-6 flight helmet,
this one also has a movie-accurate mic added and cool looking design. I
really like this one! |


Next (above) is Wedge's Helmet. Again based on a
conversion of a real APH-6B helmet |


And last of the ANH X-wing helmets is "fat-boy"
Porkins. |

Next up (above) is Jason (?), Snow Speeder pilot from

Next up (above and below) are a
coupe of shots from Jonathan of his RA X-Wing helmet kit - which he's
painted himself - and done an excellent job we might add. |

Other Rebel Alliance Helmets

Next Han Solo's helmet from the Millennium Falcon
with blast shield (used by Luke in ANH) |

BothanSpy's next two helmets above
and below are Rebel "Y" Wing Pilots. Both are custom made by Richie's
Armor, who's designs you'll see for a number of helmets across this site.
The helmet above copies the design of one of the Rebel's from ROJ, whereas
the one below is based on a comic book design. Both are fully lined and are very comfortable to
wear and made from lightweight ABS. |

Obi1al from the Replica Prop Board
(see links section) has sent me these pics of his Luke/Red 5 X-wing helmet |

He built and painted this from a
vaccuform kit made direct from a real Gentex APH-6 shell |

Nice one Al ! |

Rebel Fleet Trooper (CA) |
This is a CA RFT kit I got a couple
of years ago but only assembled recently (2007). It came as a series of
white ABS parts which were then bolted together using the
same counter sunk machine screws as the originals. In order to get a nice
glossy finished I sprayed the whole thing with gloss white, with a nice
satin black for the "visor" section |

The visors on the originals were a
grey smoked acrylic, but finding that is not easy hence most replicas
feature a solid black visor. Its a very nice helmet, originally cast from a
US Navy Gunner helmet (like the originals), the comms box looks nice too. |

Above a shot from the other side,
and below a hi def screen grab from ANH. |

Finished off with some elastic and a
chin cup its a fun project which you can complete easy over a week-end. |

Misc Rebels. |

Above a couple of photos just sent
to my by Jason of his modified TPM Don Post Anakin Skywalker Pod Race
helmet (modifications etc. by Steve the Swede), and to the right his
Godzilla Scratch-build Naboo Fighter from AOTC. Both of these are really
impressive props.
RotJ Endor Rebel Soldier
Helmets |
Steve from Richie's Armor has sent me these shots of one
of their excellent Endor Rebel Helmets. |

It really is superb, especially when you consider the
level of detail he's gone to finish it off both with the painting as well
as the soft parts, especially the interior which can so often be
overlooked. |

AOTC Rebel Pilot Helmets |
Godzilla, who produces the
excellent Tusken Raider/Sandpeople helmet, has produced this little
beauty. Its a perfect replica of the Nabbo fighter helmets from AOTC as
worn by Padme |

It's a superb likeness to the
film-used prop and another great example of prop makers attacking some of
the less well-know helmet designs. |