Sideshow Collectibles
C-3PO LE and SE Life Size Busts |
Update Aug 2014 - Yes you read that right.
After releasing the "Limited Edition" C-3PO bust, Sideshow decided to
piss off all early adopters and release a follow on "Pristine" (i.e.
ANH Throne Room) version. Now this is a practice that the StarWarsHelmets
massive (what we call ourselves these days) really finds annoying -
companies bringing out updated/better versions of new props after they've
sold out of the "LEss good" version. HOWEVER, things didn't go to plan - more
of this later.... Note: This is our last Sideshow update as they were
unwilling to provide us with any reference material - even hi-res photos of
their busts! |
So to recap, two versions of this bust were planned by Sideshow;
initially a Limited Edition
(below left) - and then some months later a Special "Pristine" Edition (below right).... |
The sculpt itself is exactly the same (and indeed is the same as the
life-size statue from Sideshow) - the only difference here is the finish.
The lightly weathered LE 3PO has a slightly duller finish when compared with
the planned SE. So
looking at them separately... |

Above the lightly weathered Limited Edition
version |
Below, the planned pristine
version. I'd see this angle as its "sweet spot" since they both look
absolutely great. As regular readers will know we've always had a bit of an
issue with Sideshow's 3PO since we felt the eyes never quite looked right -
and this was first apparent on the full statue released a few years back.
This was due to it being a (partly) bespoke sculpt rather than cast off the
original prop. However we wouldn't want this to detract unduly from the
over appearance, which is actuallyl really great. |

Next up another pair of shots... |

Again, above the Lightly weathered LE and below the
planned pristine SE. Nice shot of the reverse side of the Weathered. Both busts have
the regular Sideshow base. As you can see the detail extends to the rear
head and shoulders, cutting away where the rear back panels would be. Below,
without eye-lights on you can see those eye in more detail - and to some
extent the reflective nature of the chrome finish (although as mentioned
earlier its tough photographing chromed objects) |

Next pair - eyes right..... |

Lightly weathered LE above, with the planned
pristine SE below. You get a
better idea of the difference in finish in this pair of shots. See how the
gold finish on the LE above has a slighly duller appearance than the
reflective finish of the planned SE below. |

...Then something went wrong! |
Well it turned out that Sideshow were unable to produce a Pristine/Throne
Room version and maintain the quality of finish. Now anyone used to chroming
knows that it is tough creating a high-chrome finish, since any form of mark
or contaminant stands out like a pimp in a brothel.
However, since Sideshow had already advertised (and taken orders) they had
to produce something - so instead WE GOT THIS... |

...A MORE weathered version! So that leads us
to a.... |

So for those
people who ordered one of these thinking they were going to get a pristine,
Throne Room C-3PO this was perhaps just a little bit disappointing.
Meanwhile all the collectors who had already bought the earlier "Limited
Edition" were left feeling just a teeny bit smug, since it was them who
after all ended up with the chromier version! |
Side by side you can clearly see the
difference, thats not to say the SE looks bad, as it actually has more of a
RotJ look about it |
See above - you see what we mean, it reminds us
of Goldenrod on the Forest Moon of Endor |
Above, the Protocol Droid version of Ronnie and Reggie |
So apart from the finish, everything else is the same (other
than the LE/SE stamped on the base). They both have light up eyes (battery
or plug in with US/EU voltages). They both have removable restraining bolts
which are held in place magnetically. |
Above, Cat for scale. Sideshow use an apple but we think Cat
is preferable. |
So all in all both are really nice
collectibles. Just a shame they kind of screwed up with the "lets do a
Throne Room, oh shucks that doesn't work - just respray them all with extra
weathering" debacle which was to say the least a little, err uncool?
Note also that I don't think Sideshow ever put out any revised photographs
which is why several years later you STILL see photos on retailer sites (and
eBay) of the Pristine version - when in reality you get the heavier
weathered version. So watch out! |