Master Replicas
Limited Edition
"Hero" Stormtrooper Helmet (ANH)
Update 27th
December 2007 - Shipping for these helmets has now finally commenced, with all
orders expect to be fully fulfilled before the final cut-off date of 31st
March 2008. The only difference with the Prototype 2 helmet reviewed below
seems to be a very slight softening of the ears - mainly the 3 bumps in the
centre and the circular step going round the ear. The helmets are shipped
with both Green and Grey lenses so you can take your pick - I've gone for
the latter. Despite an original declaration that the run would be 2,500 (as
per the numbered plaque), only 1,048 were actually made, along with another
30-40 AP's ...... |
Update 8th July 2007 - Bryan at MR kindly sent me the second and final
Stormtrooper prototype for review. With a few paint detailing aside this
will the helmet that will go into production, ready for them to start
shipping out late December 07 and were $400 when ordered.
For comparison
shots of this helmet against the fan-made GF then go here.....
Well here it is,
and its a great improvement on what already was a very nice helmet. The
key changes over the first prototype (shown lower down this page) is that
the ears are now separate (as per the originals) and they've also been
slightly redesigned. In addition there has been a significant change to the
frown area which is now much sharper and more accurate - more of this later. |
There's likely
to be a few minor last-minute changes to it before it goes into production,
but this will mainly be the detailing since some of the colours used on this
helmet are a little too dark (such as the grey of the frown and the Blue
tube stripes). You can ignore the plaque as its from my Shock Trooper. |
So first off
lets compare it with the first prototype I reviewed 5 months ago. As you
can see the new helmet (on the right) now has totally separate ears, which
are no longer part of the main helmet body. This has introduced a clear line
separating the two parts and this is EXACTLY what we wanted to see. Don't
give me any of this "Well the way the Empire wouldn't have had a wonky
helmet with a gap between the cheek and the ears blah blah blah" - The
majority of fans want the helmets to look as close to what they saw
on-screen and thats what MR has tried to achieve. Kudos to them for not
over-sanitising what is a wonderful piece of film costume design! |
The eye lenses
are now significantly darker than before, although for the helmet I had to
review they were not the final versions. However I am told that the
production versions will be despatched with TWO SETS of lenses, one Grey and
the other Green. When we (as fans) can FINALLY determine what colour they
were, everyone will be happy - well done MR for taking this approach. Note
to self, expect to see lots of "Green Hero Stormtrooper lenses - used on
once, no longer required" on ebay (I keed, I keed!!!!) |
Not only is the
ear improved as its separate, its also been significantly redesigned as you
can see below. The overall shape of the ear has changed, with the graduated
step now reduced along with a general softening of the 3 ear bumps (which
will be softened even more before production). |

The ears on the
original Hero Stormtroopers (of which only 6 were made back in 1976) were
really poor, since the moulds by this stage had been used so many times for
the Stunt Stormtroopers that they were in really bad condition, being
patched up many times in the process. MR has tried to keep the overall
design in place without going for something as badly deformed as the
originals were and IMO this is a sensible compromise. |

There's now just
a single screw holding the top in the ear, which is correct for the Hero's
(and its painted white). Overall the helmet has been sharpened and better
defined in several areas such as the trapezoids, and this is most evident in
the frown and specifically the teeth...... |

Here's a close
up and you can see how sharp that top lip of the frown now is, this really
is a vast improvement over the first prototype. In addition there now
(correctly) are only 3 teeth either side and the shape of them has been
improved hugely to the extent that the centre tooth has the nice, slightly
"hour glass" curvature to it. The frown is great 10/10 MR. |

Next the
obligatory shot from the rear, not much has changed here except the
trapezoids are a little sharper. The black vocoder has also been slightly
sharpened. |

So there's only
a few minor things to do now. The painting on this helmet is more accurate
than the first prototype and for example the trapezoids now have a nice
curve to them on the upper edges. As previously mentioned the colours need
sorting out, the blue tube stripes looking really dark when I photographed
then but then it was a very sunny day. |

So to recap, this is a fiberglass helmet (as opposed to the originals which were ABS),
but as you can see it really captures the look of the originals. From from a
China-volume-production perspective fiberglass was always going to be the best way
for MR to go. In order to create this Hero helmet, MR actually used a Stunt
that was lent to them by the Joiner/Kurtz archive (see
the actual helmet here). Although MR had access to the one and only
remaining Hero in the Lucasfilm archives which allowed them to get the paint
and detailing correct), LFL were understandably not going to let them
disassemble and recast that last helmet so instead used a Stunt as the base.
Remember in 1976 the Stunt and Hero's came from the same base mould anyway. |
Finally an interesting photo from Mike
Montgomery - you're going to need your red/blue 3D glasses for this - got a
copy of the Spy Kids 3 DVD? |

So just to
reaffirm that MR's done a superb job on this helmet and its a
very well received collectible.
The only shame is that due to MR losing the LFL license it will not be
following up with the range of helmets we had all expected. However, the
news of e-FX's launch incorporating many people from MR should ensure a
constant supply of quality helmets to talk about in the future. Thanks again to Bryan and MR for letting us have
this review helmet.
In all MR produced 1,048 helmets (plus a
further 30-40 Artist Proof's), which is considerably less than the 2,500
originally envisaged (and in fact will deliver something like 70 less than
originally ordered so there'll be some unhappy collectors). Bottom line is
the helmet didn't actually hit collectors until MR had lost the license
which probably explains the gap. |

Above, I'd had a few emails from people asking me whether the warping
on their MR Stormtrooper helmet is "normal". Well hopefully from the photo
above you can see that it is. I'm VERY glad to say that MR did the right
thing and closely replicated the asymmetry of the original helmets, which
were very wonky indeed as this photo from dead above shows.
the next time your girlfriend asks "Darling, is it supposed to look like
that?" you can confidently reply "Yes my dear - and shame on you for
not appreciating its wonderful asymmetry". Similarly if she asks about
your new MR helmet you can reply the same. |
MR Prototype LE
Stormtrooper Helmet |
Update 6th Feb
2007 - The new Master Replicas ANH Hero Stormtrooper Helmet finally went on
sale earlier this week and despite some pretty ropey looking shots on their
web-site sold close to 500 units on the first two days. However there was
some criticism of the prototype shown on their site and concern that this
was perhaps going to be a missed opportunity for MR.
Following a
couple of conversations earlier in the week, Bryan kindly sent me the
prototype Hero Stormtrooper helmet to look over, so I've been able to spend
a bit of time studying it - and taking some shots. Remember this is the
prototype helmet so areas such as the ears, frown, eye lenses and bump
under the eye are already marked for change |
As mentioned
above you need to ignore the ears, which do kind of stand out. They're for
the chop! |
As with the
Clone's, Ive been really impressed with the build quality of this helmet.
Sure there are a few things that need to be altered, but I'm really pleased
that they're prepared to listen to collectors before finally going into
production. Bryan at MR's already identified a few areas that will be
changed on the production version, and these along with a few other minor
tweaks will result in what IMO will be a really great collectible. |
As with the
Clone and Vader Helmet these are made of a very solid Fiberglass, as
opposed to the originals which were ABS. It weighs about 1.3kg so slightly
less than the MR Clone Helmets, but almost two and a half times that of an
ABS Stormtrooper Helmet. |
As a fiberglass
helmet this is therefore a one-piece design and not made from a
number of sections bolted together (i.e. cap/back, Face and ears of the
originals). This has resulted in a more idealised version of the Trooper
helmets without gaps etc. that we've all come expect. However thankfully MR
didn't follow through on their plans to TOTALLY idealise the helmet so its
still represented in all its asymmetrical glory. |
I am sure there
will have to have been some compromises due to the materials/processes used
for this helmet, when compared to the originals, but as I've always said its
a question of "horses for courses" and I really think that it would have
been a mistake for them to have gone with ABS (and certainly a symmetrical
version for that matter). Given the market MR's in I believe it stands out
as a more "substantial" looking helmet that will be well received by a
larger volume of collectors - imo far more than if they had tried to produce
a "warts and all" 1:1 ABS or styrene product. 500 Helmets sold in the first
two days suggest they were right! |
Above and below
a couple of shots showing the rear swoop of the helmet. The undercut is less
than one of the original helmets but that's probably a consequence of the
fiberglass manufacture technique (no vac forming here) and also probably a
commercial decision to allow people to get this bucket on their head! |
Ignore the
plaque, that's form my Special Ops Clone Helmet. But it shows it off well. |
weighs a similar amount to their Clone Helmets but IMO the detailing is better with
accurate "mic tips", rubber brow and base trims good examples of this. |

Above a close-up
of the vocoder and "mic tips", which are very detailed including the correct
quarter-placed ridges, wire mesh and white inner cover. Note that the
inscription "HOVI-MIX Pa 2" is not present. The vocoder is painted |
Finally a shot
of the inside of the helmet, which features the same soft padding as the
Clone helmets. Again there's a removable soft cap section on the top to help
those with larger melons. Though the prototype features bright green
lenses its likely the production piece will change these for the more
accurate grey tints (or at least a darker green). |
Very impressive. |
Old News - Previous
Prototype Info |
Jan 2007 - Below some shots of the prototype "Hero" Stormtrooper helmet, which is now
expected to only be available as an LE, NOT a SE or CE. Photos are courtesy
of JediDefender.com and Rebelscum.com, our thanks to them.
Though a nice
looking helmet there are a few things I hope they put right before it goes
into production (edit 2007 - they are being put right - see above). It seems like they've produced something that is a midpoint
between a Hero and Stunt and in my view it needs to be one thing or the
other. If a Hero then they should REMOVE the bump under its left eye - that
was only present on the original Stunt helmets, no the Hero's. |

Also the frown
needs tidying up. There are only 3 teeth either side and this the grey area
is not so long. The caps on the ears look a little strange and squared, and
also the eye lenses need to be smoked Grey not Green. But otherwise its a
great looking collectible, expected to retail at $399. |

Below a photo of MR's
original Prototype
Stormtrooper helmet at the 2005 Toy Fair, photo courtesy of
www.yakface.com showing its clear GF roots.
This helmet is completely different from the 2007 version suggesting they
rushed something out to prove they were working on it. Given this was the
time of the start of the LFL v SDS case, perhaps the two are connected? |
Update December 30th 2006 - MR initially took the decision to
produce a more sanitised version of the helmet "as the Empire would have
made it", although (see below) are now looking again at this
aspect. To achieve this "idealised" look they took a 3D scan of half a
Stormtrooper helmet and then mirrored the opposite side, adjusting the
design to get the look they desired. Note that the photo above bears a
striking resemblance to the helmets produced by Gerardo Follano (the
forehead dome curve a real giveaway) although its not clear whether this
will form the basis of the production version as MR has more recently stated
that they have had access to an original HDPE (Stunt) helmet.
Update Feb 2006. MR said there will be three different
versions available, with the following details (note that this information
is now out of date since only one version will be produced, Hero LE)
CE: Vacuum formed in 4 pieces: Face Mask, Dome and 2 ears. The geometry of
the helmet will be symmetrical "as it was intended to be". Flat lens.
LE: This will be vacuum formed in 4 pieces: Face Mask, Dome and 2 ears. The
material will be more premium than the the CE version. The geometry will be
"wonky" exactly as seen on screen. Bubble lenses. The inside will be padded.
EE: This will be made in 4 pieces, as well However, this will made of hand
laid fiberglass. The geometry will be symmetrical. Bubble lenses. The inside
will have premium padding.
So the most interesting of the three sounds like the mid-priced LE
which will be a "Hero" type helmet with 3 teeth and the bubble
lenses. It looks like it'll be made of vac-formed ABS (or something close to
this) and therefore a similar composition to the originals. Importantly,
they will be asymmetrical like the originals - this is great news.
The EE
and CE helmets will both be more sanitised versions of the original props
and are likely to be symmetrical (like the photo of the helmet from the 2005
Toy Fair). The view on this is they are producing a helmet which looks like
a "real world" Stormtrooper helmet would look, as opposed to the actual
helmets which were used on-set in 1976, limited by the design and technology
of the day. The EE will reflect the Hero characteristics will be
limited in number and made of Fiberglass, whereas the CE will be an
unlimited, lower cost vac-formed plastic Stunt costuming lid.
this is the way MR finally decides to go then I believe they should be
commended for at least trying to cater for all types of fans. By going down
this route the accuracy-junkies will be able to get their "fix" with the LE,
whereas those looking for a more idealised version can go for the premium
EE, or even the low-cost CE. My only advice to MR would be to follow up the
LE Hero with an LE Stunt at a later date. |
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